Motion Graphics

Best of Motion Design & CGI — RareViz Roundup

Collecting and sorting through a stack of 300+ 3d and Motion projects is a labor of love — it is a joy to see all the amazing stuff people cook up out there!…

Best of Motion Design & CGI — RareViz Roundup 3

It is time for another summer installment of the cream of the crop in Motion Graphics and CGI! If you see a piece that belongs with the same caliber of work as…

Best of Motion Design & CGI — RareViz Roundup 2

Once again we are looking at the best projects in 3D and Motiongraphics from the last month or so. If you see a piece that belongs with the same caliber of…

Ordinary Folk — The World’s Best Motion Design Studios 1

Today we're looking at one of the best motion design studios in the world: Ordinary Folk. I review some of the best pieces, talk about how Ordinary Folk is…

How a 23 Year-Old Found Success in Motion Design

Today we are talking to Thibaut Crepelle who was featured in the first ever RareViz roundup with his faux ad for the Konica Pop camera. We talk about the…

Best of Motion Design & CGI — RareViz Roundup 1

Today we're looking at the best of the best in moving pixels. We're going take a look at some of the most awesomenesst pieces from some of the most hardworking…

My Favorite Short-film of All Time — “Lies” By Jonas Odell

Back in the day I was editing corporate videos and creating small animations in After Effects — trying to find a career that was suitable for me. I had started…